Earnings, Residual Income, Economic Value Added Dan Operation Cash
Flow Terhadap Return Saham
Malavia Mardani
Ekonomi Universitas Islam Malang
MT. Haryono 193 Malang
study intends to test of: first, the effect of earnings, residual income,
economic value added, and Operation Cash Flow simultaneously on returns
received by shareholders manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange and second the effect of earnings, residual income, economic value
added, and Operation Cash Flow partially on returns received by shareholders
manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study uses
linear regression to see the contribution of each independent variable in influencing
stock returns. The population in this study are all manufacturing companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2008-2011. Being sampled in
this study was determined using purposive sampling method. With purposive
sampling method found 40 companies that meet the criteria and deserves to be
sampled. Based on the analysis it can be concluded simultaneously Earnings,
Economic Value Added, Residual Income and Cash Flow Operation significant
effect on the return. In partially, only Earnings and Cash Flow Operation
significant effect on the return.
Keywords: keuntungan, pemasukan bersifat
residual , penambahan nilai ekonomi, arus dana operasional, pengembalian.
pengambilan keputusan investasi,faktor kemampuan perusahan dalam menghasilkan laba
dan kepastian memperoleh hasil dalam investasi merupakan hal yang sangat
penting untuk diperhitungkan. Sehingga dalam berinvestasi, investor tentu akan
menanamkan modalnya pada perusahaan yang dipandang mampu meningkatkan kekayaan
baginya. Pengukuran kinerja perusahaan diperlukan untuk menentukan keberhasilan
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